Head Lice Removal Treatment Service

in Lower East side, Manhattan

Professional lice treatment specialists

Lice Removal LLR offers a mobile service that provides in-home head lice removal in Lower East side, Manhattan, our certified lice experts take a holistic approach to lice removal, addressing the symptoms and underlying causes of lice infestations. We end the head lice cycle and offer education to prevent future outbreaks.

What makes Lice Removal LLR the preferred lice removal service?

At Lice Removal LLR, we take pride in our work and believe in the services that we provide you with. We are dedicated to making sure that you and your family are completely satisfied. Our certified lice experts, ensure quick, efficient, and holistic head lice removal with our all-natural products that are safe yet powerful enough to stop lice infestations without having to use toxic ingredients. We also take your privacy seriously when visiting your home we won’t broadcast our service to your next-door neighbors when we arrive at your home.

Say yes to house calls

Choosing a Lice Removal LLR House Call will enable your entire family to be checked and treated in one simple visit. Our Lice Expert will be promptly dispatched to your home within one hour of your call. We will check for lice and nits, and treat you by using our all-natural products and treatment methods that really work! You will be happily lice-free and we will provide you with the proper education on how to prevent lice. Just sit back and relax because you're in the best hands with Lice Removal LLR.


Scan to book an appointment

+1 (631) 605 - 7161